Monday 30 December 2013

How a web server and web application server work together : 

The following steps explain how a web server and web application server work together to process a page request:

  1. The user requests a page by typing a URL in a browser, and the web server receives the request.
  2. The web server looks at the file extension to determine whether a web application server must process the page. Then, one of the following actions occur:

web server and web application
  • If the user requests a file that is a simple web page (often one with an HTM or HTML extension), the web server fulfills the request and sends the file to the browser.
  • If the user requests a file that is a page that a web application server must process (one with a CFM, CFML, or CFC extension for ColdFusion requests), the web server passes the request to the web application server. The web application server processes the page and sends the results to the web server, which returns those results to the browser. The following image shows this process:

About web application servers :

  • To understand ColdFusion, you must first understand the role of web application servers. Typically, web browsers make requests, and web servers, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and the Apache web server, fulfill those requests by returning the requested information to the browser. This information includes, but is not limited to, HTML and Adobe Flash files.
  • A web server's capabilities are limited because all it does is wait for requests to arrive and attempt to fulfill those requests as soon as possible. A web server does not let you do the following tasks:
  1. Interact with a database, other resource, or other application.
  2. Serve customized information based on user preferences or requests.
  3. Validate user input.
  • A web server, basically, locates information and returns it to a web browser.
  • To extend the capabilities of a web server, you use a web application server, a software program that extends the web server's capabilities to do tasks such as those in the preceding list.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Introduction about Coldfusion

ColdFusion is a rapid development platform for building modern web applications. ColdFusion is designed to be expressive and powerful. The expressive characteristic allows you to perform programming tasks at a higher level than most other languages. The powerful characteristic gives you integration with functionality important to web applications like database access, MS Exchange access, PDF form creation and more.
The ColdFusion platform is built on Java and uses the Apache Tomcat J2EE container. While you have full access to Java and Tomcat, you need not worry about these details. You'll interact with ColdFusion and the user friendly ColdFusion Mark-up Language (CFML) to write your programs. Your ColdFusion files will use the file extension '.cfc' for objects and '.cfm' for pages. CFML requires much less ceremony and infrastructure than typical java while offering a significantly faster development experience than Java.
List of Technologies Provided
